RASCargO™ (Remote Air Sampling for Canine Olfaction), is the perfect solution for cargo security screening and clearance, and for fighting contraband smuggling. The RASCargO™ system, known to the UK market as REST (Remote Explosives Scent Tracing), was developed specifically for huge volumes of cargo and is based on a two-stage process:

First, volatile materials such as explosives, narcotics, etc. are identified from closed pallets or trucks through air sampling, and air samples are then captured on a specially designed filter. Second, the filter is presented to specially trained dogs for analysis and detection.

RASCargO™ has been tested and approved by a range of international regulators. It is commercially available at various European and South African airports and is regularly used by leading airlines and freight forwarders, including DHL, for example.

Key benefits include:

  • Enhanced operational efficiency: RASCargO™ offers screening ability of up to 40 trucks per hour
  • Cost-efficiency, using a ‘pay-per-use’ business model
  • Improved Security: RASCargO guarantees high detection rates and low levels of error, as its matrix-based analysis is carried out by two dogs.